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Diet Type |
In previous articles we have discussed several types of diets in a manner that is applied. All there is weakness and strength. Which one is right for you, depending on how the life style and your personality. There are still some more types which we discuss in this article.
Dietary Goals of Blood Match
Diet according to blood type or the so-called "Eat Right for Your Type Diet" believes that every person should consume food based on blood type. Because according to each blood type (0, A, B, AB) has its own privileges. Ranging from what foods are easily absorbed by the body, what exercise is right, what diseases are easily settled, as well as how the body responds to stress will be determined by blood type you have body absorbs and reacts to different foods according to the characteristics dengancara blood type is. We've discussed the food according to blood type. If you've never read it, can click on this link: blood group A, blood type B, AB blood type, blood type O.
This reaction is influenced by a lectin, a protein contained in food. Diet according to blood type refers to food that digolongakan as a group of very favorable, neutral, and avoid. The group is very beneficial to dinalogikan as 'vitamins', avoid contrast group as a 'poison' to the body. While the group of roughly neutral role as regular foods that provide calories and nutrients to the body. As long as they are not consumed in excess.
Researchers diet based on blood type, Dr.. Adamo said that this diet is the key to not only lose weight, but also can increase energy, enhance immunity as well as the 'storm' serious diseases such as cancer. By following this diet you will be healthier, live longer and younger.
- Too much information to remember details.
- Some foods are prohibited, so it is difficult for you to balance the diet.
To be successful for you
- Since this diet is very detailed and strict, it's better you buy a book on this diet to see what foods you can and can not consume.
- Do not forget to make notes about important issues related to your blood type. For example what your strengths and weaknesses, what foods will boost your body's immunity, or eketif how to cope with stress.
The Zone Diet
The Zone Diet was created by Barry Sears, Ph.D. He calls the 40-30-30 diet is a diet plan. That is a good nutritional composition comprising 40% carbohydrate, 30% fat and 30% protein. By making each person's diet is based on the amount of activity and body fat percentage, Sears with a very scientific system thrusting 40-30-30 needed by everyone, he also explained that all the food we eat is in the "block". Once you have been able to calculate a unique combination of "block" you, then every time you eat, your food should be in accordance with the "block" it. That way, the body will show petorma peak (the Zone).
The body will issue a maximum energy plus lose weight. Sears is very rigid in applying the system of counting calories and nutritional composition. So according to him, If you try to make it simple, you may not actually be in the Zone. Some people are successful in this way will probably enjoy the stiffness. But, if you are not the type of person who likes detail, can-can you give up.
If you comply with all provisions of this diet correctly, you will experience weight loss continues. Although this diet is low in calories, but you can still enjoy delicious foods such as steak or grilled fish is high in protein. You also do not need to exercise to lose weight. This diet protects you from heart disease and other diseases.
- Too scientific to be understood, and they potkan because every time I want to eat should be guided by the pattern of 40-30-30. It can not be well done to the family because each person has their own calculations.
- Wasteful of time, because you have to eat 6 times a day. Well as wasteful of money when you buy the products of The Zone Diet is quite expensive.
- According to Lynn Crieger, RD.CDE, nutritionist of the United States, a diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates is likely to reduce hunger than lose weight. Because low-carbohydrate, very likely you will lack energy.
To be successful for you
- Simplify the 'count-hitungan'makan will help you implement this diet. This is also accomplished by the followers of the Zone Diet. Origin Do not deviate from the provisions of 40-30-30.
- If you are lazy to think, you can purchase products diet The Zone diet was mixed in such a way.
Okinawa Program
The program is inspired by the life habits of the islanders of Okinawa, which is where he lives people live long and healthy life, far from heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases. In it are covered diet, fitness, how to cope with stress and success of Okinawans mengabungkan how East and West in the maintenance of their health.
The principle of Okinawa diet called Nuchi Cusui refers to the balance of three things: high-carbohydrate, low calorie and originate in plants, this diet first glance similar to the food pyramid diet recommended by the United States (U.S. Daily Allowance). However Nuchi Gusui clearly divide between food should be eaten every day by which should only be eaten every week. Thus it would be easier for you to find out if you often eat certain foods or not.
Food is one of those 'daily' include rice, bread, noodles, vegetables, fruits, foods containing flavonoids and calcium, omega 3 foods, vegetable oil, spices. While the weekly is eaten meat, poultry, eggs and sweets. In essence, the Okinawan diet lets you eat all kinds of food, as long as not excessive as a whole and the amount should be balanced.
By following the Okinawa program, you will be able to live more healthy as Okinawan islanders. In the estimate, there are now about 400 people over the age of 100 years of living there. The balance between high-carbohydrate foods, low calorie and sourced from the plant will cause your body to stay slim, ageless as well as decrease the risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer.
The use of canola oil is high the content of unsaturated fats for cooking can also suppress the levels of 'kolesteol bad' (LDL). Okinawa program also comes with a variety of physical activity. The most popular is tai chi, where the sport is a blend between the strength of body and soul. By doing so you will not only get a slim body but also be more fit, more confident, and stress free.
- This program is so ideal, but for those of you who live in the city where everything is fast paced, this may seem a little complicated. It takes a special time to prepare food because so many types of food should be consumed every day with the portion that has been set.
- Use less common canola oil, the price is also relatively more expensive than palm oil.
To be successful for you
- Patience is the key to success in running this program. If you do the entire program at once feels heavy to you, you can do it gradually. For example, start by following his diet. If you have advanced, you can continue with other programs, such as physical activity or how to manage stress.
- Customize the type of diet and physical activity that you like to make it feel lighter. At the core of physical activity intended to improve their fitness, confidence and please you. Therefore If you do not like tai chi, you can replace it with another sport that you enjoy doing.
Shout Beach Diet
Known as the inventor Agatson SBD are from Miami Florida, an area synonymous with beautiful beaches, fashion, good food and beautiful women like in the series Baywatch. Initially, Agatston make this diet to benefit heart disease patients. But apparently given diet also lost weight to his patients up to 6 pounds in 2 weeks. As a result, people flocked to join practice.
Agatston initial reason for making this diet because he saw the traditional way to lose weight, either by reducing fatty foods or foods high in carbohydrates is often not successful. He then created his own diet, which emphasizes the reduction of carbohydrate consumption. Because overweight is generally caused by excessive consumption of carbohydrates, which will increase blood sugar levels. Style diet touted copying Atkins diet because they both suggest limiting your intake of carbohydrates and protein and fat consumption.
but there are fundamental differences between the Atkins diet with this SBD. Agatston recommends his followers to stay away from saturated fats and advised to consume monounsaturated fats like olive oil and omega 3 fatty acids found in fish. This is not done by Atkins.
Broadly speaking, the South Beach Diet is divided into three stages. The first stage is the most rigorous stage, lasted for two weeks. Pretty heavy, but if you run discipline, Agatston promises this diet can lose weight up to 6.5 kg. You are allowed to consume lots of vegetables, meat, beans, cheese and eggs. However, you must temporarily menjahui high sugar content foods and fatty foods, like bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, noodles or fried foods from flour, sugar, candy, or sweet fruit.
This phase is intended to eliminate the habits you eat carbohydrates or sweet foods in excess. In this way, your desire for sweet tasting foods that will be lost completely gradual. Your weight will be going down quite a lot, approximately 4.6 kg. and most of the lost weight comes from fat that accumulates in the abdomen.
Although impressed by weight, in fact at this stage you need not fear going hungry. You can still eat 3 times a day with enough servings. In fact you can still eat a snack in the morning and afternoon, as long as the food consumed is not excessive or against the rule base. There is also no prohibition to drink coffee and tea. You can still eat dessert after dinner.
In the second stage, you can more freely consume a variety of foods. Tapai all kept in reasonable portions. If you like rice, you can come back to eat it. Once the premises are also fruits. You can even eat chocolate, though of course you have to choose the type of chocolate that is not too fattening, such as dark chocolate, with no additional nuts and caramel.
At this stage, your weight will continue to decline, which is about 0.5 to 1 kg a week. Long this phase depends on the amount of weight loss you want. Once achieved, you can directly go to step 3. which is the last stage and the most liberal in this diet, Stage 3 is only intended to keep the weight you are always in the ideal position, because you will continue to be followed for a lifetime. Although there may be can happen when you are a little complacent or bored having lived many years, you can still go back to repeat step 1 During the two weeks. Then, you can continue
to step 3.
With this diet you can still eat well, but your weight will continue to fall. This diet will also improve cardiovascular health while reducing the waist circumference is only with a little perseverance. Agatston says your weight will shrink between 4-6.5 in the first 2 weeks. After that, you can back it down as much as 1 kg per week, so continue until you reach your ideal weight. This diet also makes you desire to chew sweet and carbohydrate-rich foods will disappear by itself.
This diet seems to support the ideas of weight loss that has been tried, such as reducing the excess sugar, processed foods and the consumption of lean meat. According to conventional nutrition experts, the actual success you lose weight using this diet because this diet is low in calories, not because you reduce the consumption of carbohydrates.
Down But Jackson, a dietitian from the American Dietetic Association, said that this diet really can help people lose weight, and in addition helps to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, risk of heart attack, cancer and other chronic diseases. This is because the diet is rich in fish oil, fiber and antioxidants, and rich in 'good fats' such as monounsaturated fat, and low in bad fats like trans fats or hydrogenated oils. Jackson said if he recommends the menu at stage 2 and 3 because it is rich in whole grains, protein and low fat dairy products, as well as vegetables and fruits.
The main drawback is that the majority of food comes from meat and dairy products, so there is little choice if you are allergic to milk or a vegetarian. In the early stages of weight loss will be significant. But it could have been caused by the loss of fluid due to the consumption of carbohydrate restriction, and this could be at risk of increasing your weight back later, which is when you return to eating carbohydrates.
Although this diet also recommends exercise as part of successful weight loss program, but this program only provides limited information and petuniuk about the activities that can be done. "It should be copied portion for sport," said Dawn.
To be successful for you
For weight loss slowly and safely, start phase 2 week earlier, or from scratch, although you will lose weight only 0.5 to 1 kg. Combine this diet with exercise to increase muscle strength and help in weight loss, as well as other health benefits.
For The Diet Type Part I please click here.
For The Diet Type Part I please click here.